If you set your mind to it, you can achieve it! A lot of you are saying, yeah right! I believe this is true. One could argue that. But for the most part your success story has always begun with a belief. Self-esteem is no different.
Growing up in India as a child Kaplan’s Chawla was fascinated by airplanes, space and dreamed of flying. She followed her dream all the way up to becoming a NASA astronaut. She achieved the impossible. That is belief and you follow that with determination and setting up goals. Achieving one step at a time.
There are others who go through situations that nobody should ever go through. You may not like, how your hair looks or how your cheeks look. Nobody cares about those things. Only you do. What others want to know is the real you and not the fabricated you. So be yourself.
Be normal and be yourself. There are lots of things that you have people like. Not many people will say good things of you but keep it to themselves. It’s because of their own self esteem. It’s all in one's mind. If you think of that behavior and how you feel. There is a chance you can get better and overcome it.
Podcast on Spotify: Self-Motivation
Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself. How we perceive ourselves varies from person to person. As simple as it sounds it has a big impact on our daily lives and achievements. A healthy self-esteem makes you want to do things and will make you feel good about the decisions you make. This will also dictate your ability to focus and perform at work and in your social life.
So, it is imperative that we know what makes one person different from the other. What makes us happy or sad. If you continuously feel bad about yourself, that can lead you into depression and behaviors that normal people won’t go through.

Every action we take on any level could base at self-esteem. Whether it is racism, bullying, pride, bragging and being rude. The chances are if you were bullied when you were young, you will have a tendency to bully in some form as an adult. When you know how a person behaves and if you happened to know their childhood, it would make sense to you why that person behaves in that manner.
There are various scientific studies and theories on the subject, and I don’t plan to engage in that. Self-awareness of the situation is a key factor to isolate and mentor the probable causes of such behaviors. One could have high self-esteem to think they are better than others. On the other hand, person with low self-esteem could be hiding in the midst of it all.
Some have very high, and some have low self-esteem, and some are normal. You definitely want to be in the latter. If you pay attention to your daily behaviors, you can always self-assess the situation and self-teach yourself to have high self-esteem regardless of what you have gone through in life.
When you think, Joe can do it better than me! Laura is very talented! And so on. It is ok to think that. Yes, some are better in certain things than others. They are thinking the same of you in certain other things. So don’t demean yourself.
The colleague you are idealizing is secretly admiring your talents too. The boss who is bossing you around is no better than you, but he happens to be good at one thing, managing. So focus on what you are good at and try harder on stuff that you need to improve on. Not everyone wants to be a doctor or a teacher. Everyone’s talent is different.
There is nothing wrong in idealizing people that you admire. Don’t get intimidated by their rank or position. Follow them because they are good at teaching or that they are kindhearted. No one is better than you. They are better at what they do. Your boss is a human just like everyone else. At work follow policies and procedures not them. Their job is to maintain policies and procedures at work through a team of people.
Podcast on Spotify: Energy
So, remember self-esteem is your opinion of you. Each of us have an opinion. Right or wrong can be debated. You don’t need to carry a Starbucks latte to the office to impress anyone. If they laugh at you, you have already won. If they are talking behind you, you have won again. If you happen to go out of the office for lunch with a colleague, don’t buy an expensive lunch and waste your money. Get what you normally get. This will empower them, and you have earned respect.
I always took lunch to work. I drank from a foam cup at work. At the beginning I would get comments and looks. But I kept on doing it and guess what now everyone is doing it. It is an image thing. People like to show you that they are better than you. No, they are not.
Bullies need to hide behind their bullying that they don’t want you to know. If you remember the movie “Back to the Future” Biff is a bully, and you know why. They want to hide behind their actions. You are a nerd, and you are trying to hide from the world. That is not how it works.
When I moved into the gated neighborhood I live at the moment, all my neighbors used a lawn service for their lawn. I did mine by myself. It never occurred to me that I had to behave in a manner that is not me. I didn’t feel the need that I had to show them anything to earn respect. The next thing I know is everyone began doing their own too. This just goes to tell you that at every level and everyday people portray an image they are not. This is why self-esteem is important in your life. Be yourself!
Whether it is a colleague at work or people you meet on a regular basis, you never need to be different. You may feel bad about yourself. Nobody else feel that way about you. In fact, the coworker you are trying to impress is admiring you for things you do silently.
So be who you are and be proud of it. You will soon discover they are all following you. Remember they want you not the fabricated you.
The benefits of having a healthy self esteem
1. You are in control and can handle everyday difficulties that come your way.
2. You are content and happy. You respect others and they respect you
3. You are motivated to achieve your goals. You are confident.
4. You never have to pretend who you are.
5. You are relaxed and focused and people around you notice.
6. Your health improves, and you have energy, for the whole day.
7. You are not negative, or you don’t create drama.
There are ways you can improve and modify this behavior
1. Self-Motivation follow some basic principles
2. Anytime you feel inferior, write down why it happened and what caused it. Follow the pattern it creates and work on that.
3. If someone one laughs at you, laugh with them. You can always use a laugh.
4. Have a regular exercise routine. I always would take a run anytime I am either overwhelmed or I feel stressed.
5. Talk your feelings to someone you care about ask them why you feel that way.
6. Ask Google why and what you can do in the form of a question. Doing research helps only if scan through various options and select what is suitable for you.
7. Use what you are good at to your advantage. Let everyone see that talent.
8. Try leading a healthy lifestyle from food to how much sleep you get.
9. Let addictions go and seek help if you can’t.
10. Focus on what matters to you. Be selfish to please you from time to time.
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