The Esala Perahera which is a procession that takes place in Kandy every year during the end of July and beginning of August. This is a very popular event and it attracts, locals as well as tourists. If you happen to visit Sri Lanka during this time of the year, it is a must see. It is very unique to Sri Lanka which is religion and tradition.
Dalada Maligawa, the Temple of Tooth houses The Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha. This gets a tour each year in a sacred casket, on a decorated elephant back. This celebration is to pay respect to the Sacred Tooth Relic.

The procession includes traditional dancers, decorated elephants, fire displays, acrobatics and singing. These dancers come from various parts of the country. Hence their costume reflects that. You will see a lot of elephants with colorful decorated costumes and there will be plenty. Maligawa elephant carries the Tooth relic.

It is pretty safe to visit. However you secure your belongings just like you would in crowded areas.
Que bonito se ve ese lugar, debe ser una experiencia diferente y asombrosa.