Red Rock Canyon is situated just outside Las Vegas. If you like the outdoors, this is one place that must be visited. It is situated 20 miles to the west of Las Vagas.There are many hiking trails in the canyon and they are easily spotted by the many parked cars along the side of the road. It is miles and miles of barren land with designated trails. There is no water source anywhere. It is dry land with a lush beauty as far as the eye can see.
I did not see any wildlife during the time I was there.
The trails may seem pretty straight forward, but one can easily get disoriented with direction on the way back. Little markings with rock arrows can easily bring you back to your car.
The bright colors of the rock surroundings and various cactus is breath taking. All this beauty and it is not highly trafficked. If you are alone hiking you could feel a sense of loneliness. It could be challenging between endurance and fear at the same time. This in turn lets you conquer your inner fear and self determination. I would carry a lot water if you were to hike for long.
Various colors of rock and different layers tells a story of age and the conditions it has undergone. One can only imagine.
I hiked deep inside and at various stages I was wowed. I also was fearful of the loneliness because it was endless. I cannot say enough of the Red Rock Canyon. If you are over whelmed in Vagas, here is a little get away with that trip.
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